Week 40
Ya another week, same as all the others.
We found the two kids that the sisters left for us that
have everything in order and "ready" to be baptized...but turns out the dad is apostate so it's gonna be harder than
we thought to baptize them.
My companion likes to cook and he is making us some brownies today! We found a box of Betty Crocker Brownie Mix at the store so of course we bought it! Anyway, last week he made pancakes on P-Day, so that's something to look forward to!!! Our Pensionista, who usually makes our meals, works outside of the home, so she lets us use the kitchen on P-days and we do the dishes so that she doesn't have to worry about that.
Mom asked about my clothes and I would say they're still in pretty good condition, except that some of my pants are faded from the knee up. I guess the sun has literally bleached them, because I have no idea why else they would be faded like that?!? And no, it hasn't gotten cooler here at all! At least in Arequipa it rains in the afternoons. Here and everywhere else that I've been is just outright hot and I've only seen rain a couple of times!
We had an investigator come to church yesterday. We were sort of surprised because we just met him on the street and gave him a quick lesson and invited him to church. So he came! It was Fast and Testimony Meeting so I don't know how he liked that. We'll have to follow-up with him and see. I literally didn't know that it was Easter until mom asked me whether they have any kind of celebrations for it here. I guess they don't, at least not here in Moquegua that I know of.
Our Mission President goes home in one and a half transfers. Our new President is from Salt Lake City and is married to one of President Nelson's daughters! We should get to go to Arequipa to say good-bye to Pres. Johnson, and hello to the new President. That will be cool!
I can't think of anything else that happened. I did find some Canada Dry at the
plaza which is cool.

That's it lol.
Elder Mortenson