Week 42
Interesting week.
So right after I got off e-mailing last week, the Assistant's called and said that Elder Wersland needed to pack cause the next day he was going to leave to Chivay
(this middle of nowhere area up in the mountains outside of Arequipa). So he started packing and then bounced the next morning. Then for the rest of the week I got put with the zone leaders because we share an area. So that made it so that I couldn't visit the people that we had been teaching for a week. Also, mom asked if we ever went to see cool things on P-days with the zone. Actually, there is not much to see in any of the places I have been. There are some things to do and see in Arequipa proper, but I haven't served there yet...going on 10 months of brown sandy nothingness.
Not a ton happened during that week except that they had found a girl to teach like
the day before I joined them and she was super ready to get baptized
so I was in the lessons and stuff and she got baptized on Saturday so idk if
that counts for me or not?!? So that was cool!
Not a ton else happened.
Today the other zone leader was transferred so I had to help the other zl go and drop-off and pick-up all the elders who were coming and going from the
terminal and get them to their new areas and stuff. My new companion arrived at like
12ish. He is from Pleasant Grove and has one change less than me. We got back to our flat and made brownies haha then unpacked and now I'm finally writing.
But ya that's pretty much it..on my 7th white companion! I'll probably call for Mother's Day on Monday, maybe even with a camera! idk what
time I'll just message you before then.
elder mortenson