Monday, August 27, 2018

Week 4

I finally know why Bryce wanted me to send him music so bad all the time. 'Cause we don't get any music except for the hymns we sing on Sundays. Literally the best thing is going into one of the piano rooms by our class and listening to one of the Elders in our district play music that isn't hymns. hahaha One of the elders is having his friends send him tons of sheet music for him to print cause one of the elders in our district is gonna major in piano or whatever and he can play literally any sheet music you give him, so that is gonna be sick.

So instead of our regular time, on Wednesday, I'm on today cause all the kids that were 3 weeks ahead and the kids on the 3 week program left for their assignments. All of the new missionaries arrive here tonight. So yeah lol, sorry I didn't tell you I'd be on early last week. I actually didn't even know they were changing it until today. But don't worry, my regular Prep-day will be Wednesday for the rest of the time.

We went to the temple this morning. The temple is always good lol it's way better than class. 

My Spanish still sucks haha we still all suck at Spanish. Our instructors are always like, "You guys need to study harder and stuff, cause you will be out in the field in 3 weeks!" and we are all like, "Dude, we've had 3 weeks of Spanish, what do you expect?"

Last week actually, right after we emailed and had lunch, we saw a bunch of actual Elders in the administration building. So we walked by and one of them came out and said "hi".  I asked him what mission he was from and for how long he had been out. He said Lima East and 22 months. So then I asked if he knew Bryce and then he freaked out and was like, "No way your his brother??!" Then we talked for a sec and then his companion came out and he knew Bryce too. Then I looked up at the second floor window that was above us and there were like 6 elders up there looking at me and then one of them yelled out the window "Elder Mortenson?" I said "Yeah that's my brother." Then they all freaked out, too and came running out to talk and they were all so pumped to see me!  They all said I looked exactly like theskybison and stuff. The names I wrote down that I remembered were Elders Ianni, Call, Whitby, Burley, and then some others. so ya Bryce can probs tell you about all of them.

Last week I said "que vaina" in the hall cause that was one of the phrases that Bryce told me to say. One of the maestras turned and like gasped and said "Elder!" hahahaha So yesterday, at dinner, I went over and talked to Paulo ,(Bryce's bff) and told him about it and asked him what the exact translation was cause Bryce had told me it meant "what the fetch".  Paulo said it is basically saying, "what the hell" hahahaha lol so that was super funny.

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