Week 9
Next week i should have all the pics
So pretty decent week.
Last tuesday we made pizza after our district meeting so
that was sick to finally have pizza.
I read one of the talks by joseph smith that was in the
folder that bryce gave me and it blew my mind lol. i cant remember the name of
I found a way to get a cold drink every now and then.
the pensionista has a fridge so whenever i can i will buy a cold Inca Cola or Sprite out of there if there are any. so that is super nice.
Everyday i realize that Elder Lozano is more and more
like Blake (dad). he will chill in his garments when we get back to the
apartment. and there are elections going on and this one guy has this theme
song that is always blaring everywhere that says la espiga which is like a
wheat spike or something. and E. Lozano figured out that it means that, so all the
time he will randomly just staring saying spike just like how Blake does with
certain words and phrases. he does it with tons of other stuff too hahaha.
So i am like the most popular guy down in la joya cause im
basically the only gringo and i have blonde hair and blue eyes.
We are in Arequipa right now. it is soooo much better than la joya.
its so lit here. we went to this massive 3 story mall and they had everything, and an H&M. we went to mcdonalds in this other huge mall so that was the
best thing every tbh. they have everything here in Arequipa; pizza hut, papa
johns (papa bless), and tgi fridays, chilis, burger king, and whatever else. there's
nothing in la joya haha. they also have mtn dew here. but not in the mall that
we were in, maybe next time i can get some mtn dewsky!
Its pretty sick in la joya cause there's not a ton of
pollution so you can see the stars super well.
Also, we had two earthquakes hahaha so that was sick. I woke
up in the middle of the night and my bed was shaking and I was like what
the fetch?? hahahaha. Then i woke up in the morning and thought that it had been a
dream but immediately after that we had another one, exactly the same hahhahaa.
Another good things is that im gonna have super good posture
from my backpack always pulling me up lol.
Also, I'm 2 for 3 on number of breast feedings to number of
weeks hahahhaa. the first week i was here some lady started breastfeeding
during a lesson, and like 4 days ago we were teaching this woman in her shop
and then she started breastfeeding her baby, so that was super weird, like 4
feet away.
E. Lozano had a nice bible bash with this one guy that
thought he was super smart haha. it was for a fetching hour and the guy
kept asking all these questions that he thought were smart and quoting
scriptures but Lozano just kept owning him and finally pulled out a scripture
from the Book of Mormon and destroyed him. afterwards the
guy didn't know what to say so he said he had to go hahha.
lol I finally realized how important it is to have the
spirit with us always hahaha cause we usually teach lesson 1 which is the
Restoration. And if you think about it it sounds pretty weird. like some kid
said a prayer and God and Christ appeared to him then he got some golden plates
and whatnot. Definitely need the spirit to testify to them about
I'ts super gross, people here LOVE salt. they literally put
the most insane amount of salt on everything including salad. Actually no...
especially salad hahahaa its so gross i cant even eat it!
Also, everyone here is so bad at singing and they all love
to sing. like I'm not good at singing, but they are awful, it makes my ears
bleed. and its even worse in sacrament meeting cause no one can play the piano
so everyone is off tune and it is so bad.
We did splits yesterday. i went with the pensionista's
son who is an RM and Lozano went with this other guy, so that was chill. we
found this guy that loved the idea of preaching the gospel and stuff. then we
talked about the Book of Mormon and how it's about the ancient Americas and all
that. then he asked where i was from so i told him the United States. then he
started talking about how the U.S. is the chosen land and stuff and said all this
stuff about how good America is and i was like yeah, you are 100% right the U.S. is the best!!!
I had to give a talk yesterday in church so that was pretty
awful hahahaha.
Also, i finally realized what cafe rio and cafe sabor
actually mean hahahaha so that's cool.
That's really about it. the weeks are getting better! After
we finish writing we are going to the Plaza de Almas or something. I'm not
sure exactly what its called. but its supposed to be super sick and E. Lozano said
that there are usually other gringos there so that will be exciting. Oh, also at the
mall we ran into some other missionaries and one of them was Elder Nichols that
was in my district in the MTC so that was sick hahaha.
Anyways, peace.
Love, Elder Mortenson
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