Week 11
So first and foremost...we had a surprise baptism! we had
been teaching this little group of kids since i got here and there is one
little girl that is eight, she loves going to church and hearing our lessons.
so last week we committed her for the Saturday and she chose me to baptize her! It was so cool! there isn't a baptismal font here so we went to the community
pool for the baptism hahahhaa. we got there at like 2:55 and the baptism was at
3:00. so i hurried and changed and then we came out and NO ONE was there hahahaha
lol. so we waited and waited and made some calls and whatnot. Finally, the
branch pres showed up at like 3:45 and then Cinthia (the girl i baptized) and
her mom and the other kids she lives with finally showed up at like 4:00
hahaha. we went to this little kiddie-pool section on the side and then did the
baptism. It was super sick. lol idk why she picked me to do the baptism cause i
haven't even talked to her that much due to my limited spanish. probs cause I'm Gringo hahha. but yeah it was a super cool experience!
Afterwards we went to the chapel and had refreshments and
watched some short videos and then we had her bear her testimony and it was so
Not a ton else happened last week. only thing i can thing of
is that this crazy preacher dude came up behind us during a lesson and started
preaching during our whole lesson. then we left and he started preaching to the
gate hahaha he was crazy.
but yeah tha's about it!
Peace, Love E. Mortenson

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