Monday, November 26, 2018

Week 18

We had transfers today! Finally out of training, never thought the day would come. I got transferred down to the coast in a place called Ilo right next to the ocean. My comp is Elder Parry from my CCM district hahhaha. I don't know who thought it'd be a good idea to put us together? We still don't know Spanish, so yeah this will be interesting.... we are gonna have to use the extra study time every single day. Elder Parry has been here for his whole training. The bad news is that there isn't a Papa John's here, but they are constructing a mall right now that is supposedly super sick and is supposed to finish in like January so I will most likely still be here then, so that will be cool.

Last Tuesday we had migrations and splits. Migrations wasn't as cool as I thought it was gonna be, apparently I just lacked a signature that they needed.  It was funny though while we were there, there was this little niƱa that was probs like 5 years old that looked like she was American. and her dad looked American. and she had this bag of candy and she was telling everyone all the colors in Spanish and English. so when she pulled some out I told her the colors in English and then I said something to her. She got all amazed and then ran over to her dad to tell him that I spoke English hahaha she was so pumped. But yeah, she spoke better Spanish than me.

We had splits Tuesday. I went with our Zone Leader from South Jordan. It was super fun. The next day we went back to La Joya and brought the other elders in our district with us to do divisions, so that was chill.

Thursday we invited everyone to the chapel to come watch the Peru vs Ecuador game. But then no one showed up except for 2 members.

Friday we had to go back to Arequipa for a leader meeting with the zone leaders. then after we went and got shakes.

Event of the week: so we were coming back from the leadership meeting and like 40 minutes into the trip we had to stop and turn around and go back cause there was this semi-truck that was burning to the ground a couple of miles ahead of us  it was so sick, the fire was insane!

Also, I have a brother now! hahaha Elder Lozano is training again so ya, I have a brother! idk where he is from yet or who he is.

The bus ride down to my new area was 4 hours. It was chill though cause I didn't have a comp while I was on the bus so I was actually alone for 4 hours! it was so nice to chill.

Elder Mortenson

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