Thursday, December 13, 2018

Week 21

We had a  pretty decent week, obviously. I'll just start off by saying that last p-day we decided to take a nap at 3 and we didn't set an alarm cause we figured we would wake-up. Well, the next thing I know Elder Parry wakes me up and is like "Elder Mortenson....its 6:00!" then I was like wait what????  So yeah, we slept for 3 hours, which was awesome!

Not a ton happened this week. We did have two amazing breakfasts though. Literally we had donuts and cereal and juice and then later we ate these taquito things with guac and it was amazing. I almost cried.

Last Wednesday there was emergency transfers with a companionship in another part of Ilo. So one of the elders came and stayed with us until Saturday morning when he got a new companion. It was really nice to have someone that actually knew Spanish with us hahaha.

We got a sick Christmas tree in our room this week, cause our pension bought a new one so she let us have her old one. It has lights and everything!

Saturday morning we woke up to a bunch of calls and texts from all these women saying we needed to go give a blessing to this one lady. So we go over there and come to find out this woman, who has a broken foot so she takes pills for the pain, "overdosed" on her meds. She was high as all get out, no joke, it was kinda scary. But yeah, that was my first blessing I gave in Spanish (like first actual blessing). Afterwards, she calmed way down. We think she actually tried to kill herself.

Also, we made brownies yesterday and they tasted like I was on a luxurious cruise or something, they were amazing! Before we made them, our friends looked up a video on how to make brownies. They clicked on a How-To-Basic video since they had never had brownies before.  I decided not to say anything about it and just let them watch and learn.  They were super surprised they were so delicious, so that was funny!

That's pretty much it. Peace!
Elder Mortenson

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