Thursday, December 27, 2018

Week 23

We had a good week, certainly not as eventful as yours probably was with the wedding and all! hahahhaa.

I got the package you sent me...holy fetch it is so massive! Our district leader called us and was like, "Elder Mortenson we have a package for you that is super-duper big!" So ya, he brought it over. hahah

The other day we were contacting and then we got a phone call from some random area that I didn't recognize, so I answered it and it turned out to be Elder Means and Nichols from our MTC District.  They are comps right now in Arequipa and were just calling all the numbers in their phone cause they didn't know what a lot of them were. So we talked to them for a bit, which was cool.

We fasted again on Saturday for our investigator that has the drinking problem. He and his family fasted with us and also our pension fasted. I am thinking we are gonna be able to baptize this man on Saturday, so that would be sick!

Oh, also today we had a huge water balloon fight with the other elders in Ilo. Then we went to the plaza to buy tons of snacks and stuff cause they are all coming over to our room to sleepover.  That's gonna be sweet. Also tonight we are going to one of the big plazas in the other area to sing Christmas Carols.

Me and Elder Parry have been doing a series of vlogs for the past couple days because we haven't taken too many pics, so yeah they are sick. I need to download all of them for you still.

Talk to you tomorrow!


Elder Mortenson

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