Monday, March 23, 2020

Week 72

last week was chill. same as all the others hahaha.

so i finally got moved out of Ilo. I've been transferred to Tacna. the weather here is basically just like Ilo except there isn't an ocean. The bus ride here was only like 2 1/2 hours so not too bad. Last night had a big fam ham and said goodbye to all the converts and cool members. Then we stayed up till like 3 packing and getting everything organized cause they transferred both of us. Naturally my comp went to Arequipa, where I have yet to serve. so ya didn't get much sleep at all last night so I'm pretty freakin tired. my new comp is Elder Aslan. He's from Argentina so that's chill. He has 3 changes less than me. I was really hoping to not get put with another American so I can keep speaking Spanish so ya its chill.

6 months left here in Peru. I'm thinking this could be my last area if I stay here for 4 changes like I did in Ilo. I really wouldn't mind cause I don't wanna pack my suitcases again cause its the freaking worst. and if I do end here I can load up on amazingly cheap legit stuff from la cachina (basically just a massive market full of stuff from the US that never got sold and is sold here for like 98% off lol. but ya. its weird to finally have 6 months left after so much time here haha.

anyways ya not much else.

elder mortenson

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