Week 7
whaddup??? So ya long time no see.
There's not much to say about the last week in the ccm. Same as all the others. We got our haircuts on the Monday night before we
left. That Monday was super chill lol we didn't really do anything.
So we left Tuesday morning at like 3 a.m. One of my bags was
heavy so I had to stand in a different line in order to pay for it for like 40
minutes. Then our flight left
at like 5 or 6 or something and I slept a bit on the plane.
We got to Arequipa at like 7 or 8. While we were waiting for our
bags, I left my stuff by Elder Walker cause he still had one bag he was waiting for. Everyone else had already gotten their bags. So I left my bags and backpack
by him while I went to the bathroom, and I guess the next flight's bags started
coming out so he left to go talk to someone about him not getting one of his
bags. But yeah, I think that someone stole my camera during that time. I'm gonna go get a new camera today or tomorrow.
We got on a bus and drove to the church to meet the Mission President and all the trainers. lol They gave out the packages that had been sent
there and they gave me both of the birthday packages you sent and everybody was
like "I wanna be his companion!!" lol. Thanks for
the packages. I opened one so that I could wear the hat and the slippers but I'm saving the rest for Friday (Brock's b-day). I loved the hat 'cause the sun roasts you
here but come to find out we aren't allowed to wear hats like that. They have to
be kind of like fedoras or however you spell that.

Anyways, then we had these initiation things
for our new companions. My new comp. is Elder Lozano from Ecuador. He speaks
zero English so you can imagine how that is...then we ate lunch and left for our areas.
The area I'm in is called La Joya. It's about 2 hours west of Arequipa. Every Tuesday we have to drive up to Arequipa for a district meeting
so that's a bonus 4 hours of nap/study time lol. We spend a lot of the time in a
smaller town a little above La Joya called Los Milagros, it's a super poor town.
It gets decently hot here during the day but as soon as the
sun goes down it cools down quite a bit and it is perfect! The "anoche ser" (sunsets) here are awesome, I'll take some pics when I get a camera lol.
So, I haven't been able to understand a word that anyone has
said this whole week. Every lesson E. Lozano just gives it and I just stand/sit
there awkwardly cause I have no idea what they are saying. Everyone talks so
fast. E. Lozano forgets all the time that a don't know Spanish and he will talk
to me fast, then I'll tell him to say it slower so then he will say it again in
what he thinks is slow but its still way fast! So yeah, it is super hard to
Saturday we played soccer in the morning and there was this
one 22-year-old guy there that is a member and he spoke a decent amount of English. He was the first person I had had an actual convo with since we left
for our areas last Tuesday, so that was sick.
Sunday was chill, just church and then lunch. Not much else. But dinner was sick cause the guy that knows a bit of English brought us food
from a chicken place so we had good chicken and fries and Inca Cola.
This is titled "never-ending rice" because that is what we eat
everyday. The pensionista gives us so much fetching rice, and it isn't
even that good! It's so hard to eat all of it and if you do manage to eat it
all, then you feel sick afterwards, so yeah that sucks lol.
Let's see, oh on the first day I was here, Elder Lozano committed
a guy named Rodrigo to baptism on the 15th, so hopefully that follows through. Plus, he already has this family scheduled for baptism on the 8th, so hopefully
that works!
I can't wait till I can understand people. It's so annoying cause I have no idea what is going on all the time.
Do you think that Bryce could get my old old old white ipod
that is just for music and download tons of Motab and other music on it and sent
it to me in the next package (with the charger)? That would be
helpful lol cause I miss music so much!!!
Me and E. Lozano are gonna go to Arequipa in a couple of minutes
so that I can get my watch adjusted and get a new
camera while I'm there as well hahaha.
Also, I know somewhat how dad feels now about never
having a cold drink on the mission. No drinks here are ever cold!!!
Also, tons of the people that we talk to say "tiene ojos
muy bonitos" (you have very beautiful eyes) cause most of them have never seen blue eyes before.
When I get home in 22 months the first thing I want is a
cold Baja Blast btw. Literally, the only thing I want!
I'm pretty sure that's all now.
Peace yooo,
Love, Elder Mortenson